Hello world and welcome to Branching Out with KAT blog. We are here to blog about our nursery, KAT Nurseries. KAT Nurseries is a wholesale provider of plants and horticulture materials with locations in Kansas, Missouri and Iowa. With a focus on quality over price, KAT Nurseries' reputation of being an industry leader in horticulture education and growing the highest quality plants and trees in the Midwest has made KAT an undeniable leader in the industry.
Our goal for this blog is to educate and share more about our nursery and products; as well as any other helpful tips related to the industry. Also, we'll be sharing updates and info on any new products that arrive in the nursery. We hope you'll enjoy getting to know us better, and feel free to give us suggestions on topics for our blog--the more the merrier!
More information to come about us, so stay tuned....